as for dropping BBs, i was thinking of dropping the cheap crossman rounds...15000 for 20 bucks. although they arnt bio (destroys the environment..just like the real thing!) I think it might be just a matter of what the terminal velocity of a 6mm BB is. I doubt the terminal velocity of a BB is higher than the muzzle velocity of a airsoft gun. if you used .12, then the amount of energy transferred to whatever they hit is going to be pretty low.
i think if you could prove that a BB dropped from an aircraft is weaker than a bb shot from a gun, i think you could possibly get approval from transport Canada saying that it cannot cause damage.
I cant remember exactly, but my ground school instructor said something about it being perfectly legal to drop a flour bomb from an aircraft onto a house. Again, cant remember what exactly he said.
If you ask me, i don't think is a good idea, even if it is legal...but it would be epic.