Yup, G36 IDZ (ARES + WE IDZ kit), Magpul Pmags (because it was hell getting the regular ones out of the pouches), Leapers 1-4x28 scope and a RS ambidextrous mag catch ; all in a Mezzi 49" case (got two of these).
I have an M&P 9 somewhere too.
Already got a UAR coming but I wonder if I should get a 417 or a M82, convert it to G82 and put it in the other case
Tous les jours nous nous endormons plus instruits mais pas forcément moins bêtes...
I can do a CTRL+ATL+DEL on your gun !
Gun doc in Montreal on AEG, GBB, GBBR and Bolt rifle (gaz and spring)
Heavy custom builder (including painting)