As a game host, I have in mind the safety of players
with the proliferation of NVG and Laser tech in games it does raise concerns
the simplest solution is to drop a blanket ban on lasers, this eliminates the problem.
That said, as more and more games move into night time playing, and more people investing int he equipment to exploit that environment as a host you want to build a sandbox that can fit everyone's toys.
My simple solution is. if you intend to use a laser you must prove it's class 1 status, no proof no use.
As a Player, if I don't like what is happening at any particular game I don't go in the first place or I leave when the issue comes up.
The issues with respect to Game balance and the exploitation of technology in the games is of particular concern for me. I've done "low tech" games that excluded all tech, including radios and Flashlights.. I have also done games that were tech heavy.
It's up to the host to take into account the game balance and see to it that advantages of tech are offset with other elements. It's not easy, and is going to get harder as the Tech proliferates.
Right now in the southern Ontario region the issue is particularly acute as a great deal of high tech devices seem to be consolidated in the hands of certain tight groups.
Savvy game hosts have the means and ways to address these issues that can meet the needs of everyone.
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier
If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite