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Old February 11th, 2013, 11:54   #122
Danke's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Danger Zone
I don't think there's any debate about a proper laser being safe. They're used in the military for training and for those outside the military it all seems like shooting guns and jumping out of helicopters in reality you have never met a more risk adverse group of people other than maybe your mom.

I think the fair debate sits on the safe rated laser vs. the glut of fake PEQ boxes and scabbed on home made jobs.

We have age verified tags on here and in some cases you can't get invited to a game unless you have one. Why not a Laser rating? It sounds like there a people with test kit on here. Ship the box to a verifier, get it back with a non-transferable card a tag for your profile. Sure it will cost the users a bit but compared to the price of buy for the unit and the NODs it's probably about a set of batteries.

That would he a standard that would help the hosts and they would not have to worry about if someone was going to be injured at their event.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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