#1 I can PM you a PDF guide which includes cloning. Haven't needed to do it but I have instructions on doing so if you need it.
just to be sure your radio is the UHF version at 430-470 mhz? If its the VHF you'll have problems.
#2 the channels are cycled through with the middle button at the top of the radio. You'll need to program the proper frequencies in the program mode before these work. Again I have some manuals that will walk you through the programing steps and how to save the settings to the memory.
#3 As far as problem 3 it could be if your trying to transmit to a lower powered gmrs radio like a talkabout then you will need to broadcast on the proper frequency at the low power setting. If your transmitting between gp68s then it could be a distance thing you will need a minimum distance otherwise it may not pickup the transmission. I have a nearby neighbour and fellow airsofter who was testing his gp68 and had the same issue. You need to set it to the 1W setting "low" will show on the display. Make sure your squelch settings are set properly and verify that both sets are set to the same frequency.
If all those steps fail to do the trick reset it to the factory defaults and set it up the same once again.
Last edited by tygr701; January 20th, 2013 at 14:48..