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Old January 8th, 2013, 15:54   #24
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Belleville, ON
I would make friends with someone who can chrono your gun for you. What they say on the interwebs and what you actually have/can get are 2 very different things.
It could be way above 380 stock or under, it all depends on how well the air seals are.

I am actually gearing up to do the same thing. My gun is listed as 430fps and I want it just below 400fps. Instead of buying one spring and hoping I have the right one, I bought a spring set wich has 3 spings... try searching AEG springs on e-bay I got all 3 for $12 and free shipping.
If you are going to have your gearbox open you might as well upgrade some other parts while you are there like swapping bushings out for bearings. So you might want to get some bearings and shims.
Chrono's aren't cheap but if you play often and want to tinker a bit more it is a great investment, also the resale is pretty good on them from what I can see.
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