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Old December 10th, 2012, 22:42   #3
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Join Date: May 2007
Location: Near Quebec city
Maybe a necro post, but I think this is usefull infos.

I'm working on a Ares M60 from a friend. It leaks pretty bad (170-190fps w/ 0.20g with a lonex M100, my VFC scar is pulling 390fps with this spring w/0.20g)

I checked piston head/cylinder head/nozzle compression (inside gearbox), I did the teflon tape mod on them so the fps went up to 210-240fps w/0.20g.

Then, I tried a no-name brand M4 nozzle to replace the ares stock one (M4 is longer than Ares' M60). I put some teflon tape around the external diameter of the nozzle getto style (stock ares' is larger) but now it's shooting 315-320fps w/ 0.20g pretty consistently!!!

But for the Ares M60 mk43, it would be this thing :

Edit : Yes, I also heard that M1A1 Thompson nozzle would fit (larger diameter) and trim down the total lenght. Let's take one with an o-ring inside!

Last edited by Splashx; December 14th, 2012 at 13:09..
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