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Old December 9th, 2012, 16:35   #9
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Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: London, ON
Originally Posted by lurkingknight View Post
probably a seal getting worked a bit softer and settling in to do its job. the other thing is depending on the type of chrono, some chronos will see a puff of gas and measure it before it measures the BB. you could have had a 270fps puff.

I have a hell of a time trying to chrono my 226 because the chrono sees the gas more often than not... and then when you hold it farther out, the BB never goes through cleanly.
Its an xcortech 3200. I understand what you are talking about and makes sense but I don't think that was what was happening. (but possible). I would shoot full mags thru with the fps at that 275 range. The next day it went up and then a few days later it hit the 300fps range. Kinda surprised me but I just figured it was the 'working-in' of the gun. Like i said before i have done about 3 takedowns and put new silicon oils and greases on the gun. To me the swelling of the seals makes the most probable cause as it would take time for the seals to expand a bit....i guess...haha
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