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Old December 9th, 2012, 14:18   #1
Scrivah's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: London, ON
GBB pistol jump in FPS

I wouldn't really call this an issue or problem which is why I didn't post in the Doc section.

Got my KWA ATP about 2 weeks ago and when I first got it I got a chrono average of about 275 which I though was fairly low. Over the course of the past two weeks I have shot a couple hundred rounds and taken apart and cleaned and relubed as this gun comes fairly dry. Now my gun is consistently putting out a FPS of about 320 or so. (A 45fps jump from 2 weeks ago when I got it).

I guess my question is, is this normal for gbb to rise as the gun get's 'broken in' or is it a possiblity that as a gbb noob I may have been putting too much propane in the mag? (if thats even possible). Now I put a max of 3-4 sec of propane and it lasts about 3 full mags.

Wasn't really liking the 275fps when I first got it but now that it's risen to 320 it's been a nice surprise!
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