Originally Posted by QUATTROISKING
Hey there, just getting into the sport, I love the realism of airsoft, ... Is there sertain games I can go to where I can not run into anyone using these?
Thank you for you're reply's
That's the key part there. You'll want to pick and choose the games you go to.
There's two to three sorts of airsoft games that you'll run into...size/number of guys playing/game theme/etc doesn't matter.
1. Fun skirmishes
- open to all comers, no gear/kit/loadout requirements. If you've got eyepro and a gun you're good to go. You'll see lots of new guys, lots of brand new out of the box first timers...using whatever they have.
- same as the above, but a bit more structured. Loose requirements re. gear...but tend to be pretty lax on loadout requirements. Some have mag limits. Typically no org structure, simple objectives (i.e. attack/defend), etc...
2. MilSims
- org structure, comms, pretty tight kit/gear requirements
- loadout requirements/limits, sometimes mag limits (but it's a PITA to manage sometimes...typically just saying 300rnds/sortie max, load your mags however you want works well enough).
- objectives might be simple, or very complex...they may evolve as the game plays out
- can be small 25-30 players...or large 100+. Can be an afternoon or multiday. Some of the best ones are short 6hr 30person games.
There's A LOT more skirmishes vs. MilSims...doesn't have to be that way really but a lot of time/energy goes into MilSims so it's easier to just toss together a skirmish. What doesn't work (just leads to frustration) is when guys go to one type of game expecting the other.