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Old September 30th, 2012, 18:26   #7
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: The Shwa
Originally Posted by ZackTheRipperC View Post
Yeah, I knew it was in Canada and I have heard mixed things about Shrike. I think I may go with the boxed set of PMAGs from Shrike, but I have heard that these too are the cheaper built so-called 'Green Label' version of the PMAGs, and actually reviewing the page it states that in the description.. Always hard to tell when the Magpul PTS logo is on the box.. I would buy these if some people have overall a good experience with them as I don't want to burn my credit card buying the expensive $25-30 PMAGs from TA or somewhere else. On that note though, if these are just shit I don't necessarily want to throw $100 out the window. Lordy lordy, decisions decisions..
I dunno I've had nothing but good experiences with Shrike.
I bought the green label e mags and they run fine in my gun no issues.
the most i've heard is fitment issues. sometime they're loose sometimes they're too tight
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