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Old September 26th, 2012, 13:02   #8
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
There's no continuous anything for 24hrs.

That's not entirely true. I have attended a twenty-four, and a thirty-six hour endurance op; both of which didn't stop. There was no "gear down" or "break" time. We averaged forty-five minutes of sleep at the twenty-four hour game, and ate on the fly. Maybe during a lull in the gun fight, or while waiting for orders. There were a few people who left to sleep in their cars or took a break, but they were asked not to, or got into trouble for it. An endurance game is just that, endurance. All sleep you get or food you consume, is during live play. You can get over run while asleep, and be forced to move your location. You can also be shot while sleeping; we had to wake up a few times and weather an offensive. We even got attacked while having chow, and had to put off the meal for a couple hours. At an endurance game be prepared for tired, hungry, dehydrated, exhaustion, cold, wet, etc.

Bottom line, is to read carefully on the type of game and decide if it's for you. Some longer ops have scheduled breaks, barbecues, and sleep periods. Make sure to investigate the game type, and prep accordingly. As noted above, there are health factors to consider. Not everyones basic physical health can take that much punishment. I have seen cases of dehydration, exhaustion, hypothermia, etc. Know your limits, plan accordingly, and bring all appropriate gear, food, etc.

I'm not trying to discourage you, but if you come unprepared or push yourself too hard you can pay for it with health issues; or if you go to an endurance game and figure you'll just sleep in your car for six hours to recharge, you may be asked not to come back. I will tell you that they are an absolute blast usually, depends in the game.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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