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Old September 4th, 2012, 15:40   #3
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Originally Posted by m102404 View Post
Having seen and shot it I'm very impressed by the build. Very solid/consistent performance. The hopup application is just deadly.

I'm looking around for a backup/extra PTW and might go this route. I did not like the buzz (not so much as a noise as it was a feel in the hand) with the motor. It might smooth in a bit but it was very pronounced.

I can't help but shake the feeling that 2 out of 3 of your batteries are underpowered for the system. I've seen on their facebook page how they recommend a 11.1/15C. Your batteries are putting out 16.1-26A in the best conditions. I know the PTW electronics need 30A per shot, every shot...or you risk failure. Even if they've optimized the electronics/motor I can't see it being below 20A...but who knows.

From the close ups of their hopup mod...I still prefer my own mod It does look a whole lot better than the stock hopup though.

I wouldn't go with all the bells and whistles but rather a plain build.

All that said and done I'd be hard pressed though to just get a 2012 SCK and a full set of boards and motors from FCC...then mod the rest myself.
I was thinking about doing it bit by bit, thats the reason for purchasing the 2012 M16A3 but in the end after mashing some numbers it's cheaper to go all out. that way no waiting around for Prime to get their ass moving and no bullshit of trying to make things work as they should be from Systema, it's just less frustrating this way, you pay a bit more but on the positive side things work as they are design to and should be out of the box. I was extremely dissapointed at Systema for both their 2012 evolution and non evolution models my M4 (Evolution series) failed after 7 mags, my BNIB 2012 non evolution even it wasn't gamed was not as smooth as the FCC engine even with the DTT motor mods, my personal opinion is that Systema or whom ever systema contarct out to build their motor really dropped the ball on the QC. The need to remedy something that is supposed to be perfect/the best out of the box pissed me off more than having to spend money to get it fixed in the first place. I'm confident that this FCC will last a whole hell lot longer than my other PTW.

Last edited by wildcard; September 4th, 2012 at 16:02..
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