Okay so that does clear everything up a lot actually, well my setup is almost stock, i'm not trying to go for the crazy 60rps, i mostly want a crisper and better trigger response to be honest i couldn't care less about my ROF
i'm only running a 7.4 so the advance FET is nice with all the bells and whistles but at the same time they kinda don't really apply to me, and your right if i'm playing and i can tell the battery is dying just stop shooting and ill be fine just go home and balance charge the battery and just make sure its in good condition still,
and yeah like i said before i don't really want the crazy fast ROF i'm more so just looking for a more consistent trigger response so i guess the basic FET is a perfect match!
Thanks Stealth!
VFC SR15, VFC MK18 MOD1, LCT ALPHA AK, G&P Stoner 63, CA SLR105, G&G SR25, Echo1 XCR (00741), CA M249, TM G17 & TM SAI G17, TM 1911 NW, TM P226