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Old August 19th, 2012, 18:31   #23
Oborous's Avatar
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB

I suggest you read Deltastones post again, he gives good information.

In Edmonton we do not allow anything but red lasers, for Deltastones post, the crystal that he's talking about is a frequency doubler with IR filter; the chinese clones use cheap doublers that are inefficient and improperly heat sinked, so they may end up melting the IR filter, and like DS mentions and other mentions, a replica device will be made as cheap as possible. The replica manufacturers have already driven the price down on these IR laser diodes for the green lasers, but due to their inefficiency they're much more powerful. They can buy these diodes for pennies due to their bulk pricing and if they can use them in another product, all the more savings to them.

$200 -is- cheaping out when you're dealing with something that can damage peoples eyes. You're only going to be using that IR laser/ IR flashlight in the dark, where peoples eyes will be dilated wide.

What I'm trying to say is do not buy your DBAL device, go and purchase a good IR flashlight. There is a point that doing an impression is OK, but for something like this it becomes dangerous to other people. If it's dark out, you cannot guarantee that you don't accidentally flip the switch to the IR laser.

Please consider the potential harm to your fellow players. There are devices out there that just aren't safe or appropriate to use in airsoft games. If you were LEO and using airsoft for training in a non-ballistically rated shoothouse, fill your boots; but not in this case.
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