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Old August 19th, 2012, 13:07   #20
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Location: Pickering, Ontario
Originally Posted by Reignman View Post
Thanks for your opinion.

I wouldn't consider spending 200$ on an item "cheaping out." To some that is a good chunk of change. If this laser is eye safe I'd consider it a great product for people in the airsoft community as they don't have to spend thousands of dollars and keep money in their pockets. However if it's not that's totally fine. I probly won't hear back from the Queens Prof until monday anyway.
the only thing is like others have said is, if it turns out to be eye safe that means your laser is eye safe. everyone with one would also have to get it tested.

So it wouldn't really make it a great product for the community as everyone would have to go and get theres tested as well.

as it stands the safe bet is to get an otal or a real dbal or in the case of several of us, get a real military one (peq 2, paq 4, peq 15, peq 16)

it may cost more but its well worth the investment. 500 for a usable laser is alot better then 200 for a gamble that may or may not be usable.

id be interested in seeing the test results on your though.
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Originally Posted by GBBR View Post
If you ever go to a milsim and hear a vuvuzela, you are fucked.
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