Order online?
One Shot Tactical
SKD Tactical
Airsoft GI
Airsoft Club
Hero Army Surplus
Oh shit, and that's just scratching the surface. I'm sure I've missed tonnes of obvious ones.
As for local places for gear, you could check out Tactical Operations in Stratford, or Black Widow paintball in Hamilton, or Hero Army Surplus in Oshawa, OH OH! or Army Issue in Mississauga, they've always got lots of gear.
CP Gear, Full Clip, Urban Ops Armory, RedWolf, EHobbyAsia... I can't not come up with online retailers selling ridiculous amounts of gear.
(Also, at Urban Ops, use coupon code uoaca to get 10% off. Just sayin.)
Last edited by Drake; July 13th, 2012 at 02:24..
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