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Old July 4th, 2012, 12:22   #83
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Danger Zone
To add to the discourse.

My WE came as a CB but the first thing I did was change it to OB.

After I did that I lubed it up with grease and oil per the cleaning guide on here.

Then after that I test fired it.

On the mags I did have to re-seal it looks like the person who assembled them just licked the rectangular gasket to keep it in place while the back plate went on. If they'd just used a bit of sealant when the built the mags they'd still be running fine.

I have not changed the hopup rubber yet, still looking for the right spot with one and some of the other parts I need to consolidate on an order. I also made a V2 hopup adjuster that I'll shoot some details of on the weekend.This one works without cracking the receivers apart.
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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