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Old June 22nd, 2012, 14:05   #1
BrunoSardine's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Pennsylvania, US
My G&G won't feed unless I hold the magazine

As the title suggests, I'm having a very annoying and frustrating problem. After inserting the magazine into the magazine well, I'll hear the click that it's secured and then I'll go to shoot. It'll put out about 2 to 3 BB's before dry firing.

I guess what's happening is that gravity is naturally pulling the magazine down, but it's such a small difference (it's gotta be only a millimeter or so) I honestly don't understand how the BB's aren't reaching the loading nozzle. In order to combat this problem, I have to take my hand, grip the magazine, and then apply upward pressure.

Is there a way to permanently remedy this? This is very annoying and I hate having to hold my gun like a paintballer (No offense to you paintballers, of course).
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