Aeg or gbbr?
I know this has been asked tons of times but I have a reason.
All my guns have been spring and aegs, but I have had 3 aegs that haven't worked.
One was a G&G M4 Cqb-R, that had internal problems, battery problems, and mag problems. Paid $200 and now is broken.
Second is my beloved Tm Mp7. Bought it, shot it, it worked. Next day I fired it four times, then the wiring was messed up. Replaced the inner wiring, and battery, not difference. Going to bring it to another store to be fixed, probably Warcraft games if you folks know what they are. Paid $300 for gun, $30 repairs and it's not working.
Third was a king arms m4, bought it about a year ago, but then it had a stripped gear, paid $200, broken still.
Out of all three guns I have only got to play once, VERY LIGHTY PlAYED!
So in all o am thinking of screwing all ideas of aeg, and strait to gbbr.
Aeg pros:
All year most weather play.
Is to find
Easy to maintain, for the most part.
For me internals
Not much play in rain
Not as cool as gbbr, you know what I'm talking about.
Gbbr pros:
All year play
Cool factor
Higher fps if using it
Who doesn't want one???
Sometimes weather
Little bit more realistic. Causing problems
Price of guns and mags
I PLAY AT A CLUB, that means I'm playing at real fields.
I know I'm not av'd , still waiting on the local guy to respond, yet to come.
Proud Tokyo Marui User!
Contact me if you want to be apart of a Airsoft game in chilliwack! Any position.
I snipe, I give cover fire, I enter buildings alone. ALL POSITIONS!
Last edited by Airsoftchilliwack; June 21st, 2012 at 23:26..