Originally Posted by M.Garcia
Hey there,
Been about a year since I played a game and looking to get back into the groove of things. I dont have a primay anymore and im looking for some recommendations on what to look for and stay away from.
I have heard that for like an MP5 to go G&G and for M4 King Arms. However im curious about Classic Army. I thought they were good but i was told they have crap internals. Im looking at spending no more than $500 for a primary.
Not looking to be spoon fed just looking for some recommendations based on facts and or experiences.
If you have only one airsoft, imo it should be an aeg from the armalite family like an M4. Dont buy short or long guns like MP5K and M16. Stay with models that use regular M4 mags.
Recommended list by preference.
1. VFC (I have a KAC PDW aeg), always my first choice for stock aeg's.
2. Classic Army Proline (not the sportline). (used to have one)
3. King Arms (used to have one)
Not recommended:
1. G&G (always broken or you pay to much for the MAX range)
2. Jing gong (Chinese for "Idiot trap")

3. Moste AEG's that cost under 350$. They are not bargains, you get what you pay for. Only exceptions that I know off are King arms Thompsons and M4's wich can be found under 350$ and will give you good quality.