Originally Posted by Jaozin92
Since this topic is about age verification I got a question. I have been trying for the past 4 months to get a reach of a few people on the age verification list to get age verified. I PM them, e-mailed them and not even a "hi" I got back. Please forgive me if I got a bit of aggressive tone is just that I am getting really frustated with the fact that I wanna be part of airsoft and I never get a return from a member. Thanks in advance for those of you that can help me out.
It's gonna take a little elbow grease and patience.
I too am having a hard time meeting people to get verified. Couldn't make certain games, no age verifiers at the game I attended, location issues, etc...
What I've concluded is that I'm just going to have to be patient and make the effort to get to one of the games an age verifier is attending.
improvise. adapt. overcome. Hooah!...or was it Oorah!