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Old April 13th, 2012, 08:30   #7
aka coachster
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Originally Posted by elctrk View Post
Hey all, I have a few air pistols but I'm a total n00b to airsoft and I have a few questions. I'm looking for a springer just for fun in my yard (I live in the country.) I need some recommendations on a good one. Something with decent range and won't break the first time I use it.
Also, what are the best brand of biodegradable BB's to get that won't break apart and jam?
If you could direct me where I could order online in Canada or what stores to try and find it, that would be great. Thanks.
If you're just plinking in your country side backyard, just get a pellet/BB gun. More accurate and cheaper at times. Look at CT web site for the Marksman 2000k kit. This one reminds me of when I grew up shooting darts with my cousins.

If you insist on an airsoft spring powered pistol, get verified and use BB Bastard Bio BB's.

Last edited by coach; April 13th, 2012 at 08:35..
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