Thread: Battlefield 3
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Old March 27th, 2012, 15:48   #23
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I think part of their decision making with regard to kit is that they didn't want to closely imitate real armies.

Battlefield kind of exists in it's own little universe; the game has elements that look like realism, but they're not at all 'realistic', so they built up the art direction to reflect the core gameplay.
I liked BF2 a lot, and it's character design was a fair bit more realistic, but that illusion was destroyed when somebody got hit by an explosive and abruptly flew off flopping like a toy. If the character design was a bit more free-wheeling, the silly ragdolls and sniper rifles making people fly 10ft would have been less 'goofy' and more 'hilarious'.
I think the play is fun, and the design looks fun, and I'd love to see some guys pulling BF3 impressions.
I may do a Russian LMG gunner, but those helmets are like $500 and weigh like 15 pounds.

Najohn: I agree.
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