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Old March 23rd, 2012, 14:44   #24
Join Date: Aug 2010
I tend to carry as much as I can no matter what, its like a comfort blanket. I use 120 round m16 short mags, they are half the size of normal mags and plastic, so they are really light, and look much better on my aeg than normal mags do.

two easy to grab mags, three flap secured mags, and two mags taped together in the gun(it doesn't stick out, and its great if I just want to do a light load and take my vest or belt off.)

one mag in my mk43, one extra, and depending on my load I can either have it holstered and carry the silencer in a seperate pouch, if I am carrying two sidearms I have it set up so I am able to have it holstered with silencer on. Lower velocity, size and low sound makes it great for sneaky kills or close range kills.

I carry my deuce mini shotty with two spare shells, 24 rounds spread in a decent pattern is very useful, room clearing or those times when you can only get a single shot off, small and light so its easy to just poke around a corner, but not quite as impressive as a gun mounted launcher.

If I'm really paranoid about running out I always have a 1000 round electric autowinding hicap XD. Tracers+1000rounds of autofire+mini shotty, keeps heads WAY DOWN...although I have never used more than 4 main mags and 1 pistol mag in a single game/life.
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