I apologize for the incontinence however without a name or order number it is hard for me to find your transaction.
In this situation it seems as though the listing has some ambiguity that we were not aware of.
At the time of listing creating the generation 3 AWSS system (aka closed bolt system) was the latest, it seems it requires some updating.
Please email us at torontoairsoft at gmail.com to receive an RMA form, we are more than happy to take back the products and credit you for your purchase because of this mentioned ambiguity.
Also as a quick note, if you are planning on using co2 in an open bolt WE system we would recommend not doing so as the factory has advised us that the valve will not be able to take the higher pressure output.
For further assistance please email us at our customer service account.
http://www.torontoairsoft.com : Free shipping on Orders over $300!
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