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Old March 6th, 2012, 09:03   #5
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA
Originally Posted by Skladfin View Post
Thanks for the info stealth!

I was particularly on the lookout for a indepth review that digs into the internals. However, now that I know this is a CYMA version from that thread, it looks like I won't be pursuing this purchase anymore...
I'm in the process of getting quotes for this gun and may be looking to get one. If I do, I'll try to give a more in-depth look into the mechbox than we've seen so far (which is basically nothing but hearsay).

It is a bit ironic that the CYMA name has turned you away from this gun, since everywhere you go on the net CYMA V3 gearboxes seem to be met with reverence and respect. I've seen one reviewer on Arnie's describe CYMA's V3 gearbox as "brilliant".

This is what pushed me to get the CYMA MP5K, which I opened up in the last week. I found the internals to be generally decent. Solid steel 7mm bushings, decent compression, solid feeling shell with reinforcement, CYMA trades stamped on the gearbox, bearing spring guide, etc... The thing looks and feels solid. The motor appears to have extremely strong neodymium magnets and was approximately par with the neos in my G&P M170 devil jet, guarder ITU and JG Blue (the last of which I had handy in case I needed to swap the motor).

Hopefully I can get my hands on this AK at a reasonable price and take some video and pictures of the gearbox so you can check em out.
"Mah check"

Now you know

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