The airsoft one will probably not fit...the RS cap will probably need some modding to fit. Material needs to be removed from around the inside of the cap to fit the body. A fair bit in some parts...and not as much on others. The external look/size isn't changed.
I did a MP5K-type end cap (RS)...and had to grind on the inside of the cap and fiddle with the wiring a bit since the cap had a block there to secure the swivel. Not sure about the slither stock and what's inside the cap vs how much it may protrude into the gun. There's not a whole lot of room at the back end with the end block and the channel where the wiring can run up.
Obviously you need to mod the "gas tube" to fit a decent battery. IIRC the battery much supply min 30A for each and every shot. It's a tight fit and the "weld" between the body and the charging tube may block a long battery from going forward enough. In modding it, you'll be disabling the spring of cocking handle...and I fabricated a new cocking body/bolt, fit to lenght. I chopped it so that the battery we were using kept the cocking handle forward...since there wasn't any spring in there anymore. Not hard...just a lot of careful measuring and work.
Also mounted an MP5 RIS and a Nitro was quite the ass kicker of a gun. Silver cylinder was brutal...ouch.
It was good bit of work.