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Old February 29th, 2012, 15:41   #1
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: Mississauga, ON
Advice on G&G M4 G26

I've been a paint-baller since 2006 and am finally looking to switch it up to airsoft, I'm currently in the process of getting rid of my paintball gear.
That being said I'm looking to pick-up a decent marker and was looking at this one.
Does anyone have any experience with these and how reliable they are? Is full metal really going to be a big difference for me?
The reason I was looking at this one is that is already comes with a built in laser and flash light.

Also, if anyone has any other recommendations i would be more than willing to hear them. I'm looking for a marker that looks similar to this (M4/CQB) Its likely i will be playing both indoor and outdoor (maybe slightly more indoor than out). I'm about 5'6 tall if that makes any difference.
My budget is around $500 for the marker, I can always pick other odds and ends up as I need them.


Forgot to add, will be getting age verified once I find some time to make it down to Army Issue in Port Credit.

I have a few of the items you listed already which i have outlined below with any additional questions i have.

-Eye Pro
I have an almost new vForce Grillz mask will that be ok?

I think combat boots are ok?

Are full finger gloves needed? Currently have half fingers that i used for paintball

-Appropriate clothing (BDUs, Helmet if desired)
Have a full set of Tiger Stripe BDUs, not the best camo but love the pattern

-Load Bearing equipment
Currently have a PB vest (which i will prob sell to get something more suited for AS)

Last edited by Viper717; February 29th, 2012 at 17:36.. Reason: Included additional gear owned from post 3
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