Thread: m203 etiquette?
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Old February 14th, 2012, 22:31   #13
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Among friends I tuned mine to about 400-500psi outdoors is 700-800psi, generally I treat my launchers like a shotty, if my tango is right around the corner a mercy kill is warranted unless you played with a bunch of boneheads (trust me it happen before, launcher barrel was 2" away from his face when I called mercy and buddy there decide to shoot me anyways) if a mercy is not possible I usually will fire 1 round on either the floor, ceiling or walls as a warning, usually normal players will get it and surrender if not I try a indirect shot like bounce of a wall or something. Now if the opponent is a bunch of knuckle heads well use your own judgement. usually a few direct fire from a 700+psi 40mm quickly make the boneheads run for cover.

Another thing if you use grenades don't use propane ones indoors you'll get whoozy after a few rounds, in fact if you use 40mm go CO2 or go home.
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