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Old February 2nd, 2012, 11:47   #6
Join Date: Feb 2012
Hi, everyone!

I just joined this forum and am glad I found this forum.
I'm a big fan of small guns and long long ago, I wished I had a gun like Derringer (originally Deringer). It just caught my eyes when I was little and younger than now, but there was no airsoft guns at that time but only real guns. I didn't and don't and will not want to own a real gun.

Recently, I found Marushin made this Derringer and searched on the internet and finally found this forum. Thank KND for a nice review and photos.

I'm really interested in buying one of the Marushin Derringer, but I don't know where to buy it. I have searched on internet for some time, but what I found was most of the on-line stores carrying the model were in US. I also asked them if they would ship it to Canada, but because of the custom, they wouldn't ship it to Canada. One store (airsplat) linked from said they would ship it without guarantee of successful delivery (again, because of the custom issue), but the shipping fee was incredibly expensive, almost the same price as the price of the gun itself.

Does anybody know where in Canada (Toronto area) I can buy this small but amazing gun, Marushin Derringer?

Thanks in advance.

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