Honestly, get 2 rifles. It's a lot easier.
Personally I have a longer carbine for outdoors and haven't played indoors but I have played at a "CQC" field with lower limits. It was a lot easier running a pistol for me, even if I only had 2 mags. Either that or look into getting something cheaper and smaller. Say an Aftermath Kraken Kurz.
The only things I suggest you do is shim, regrease the gears and downgrade the spring to an SP80 or something. The internals should hold up fairly well since you're running a lower speed and aren't being as hard on the internals and if you've shimmed it properly and regreased the gears it should be perfect for CQB environments. Also the innards are usually CYMA just the exterior has a crappy plastic shell but if you're fine with that and get 2 guns for CQB and outdoors then go for it.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew