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Old January 23rd, 2012, 17:55   #1
funkyboss's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Montréal
Housebreaking and stolen AEGs

Hello all,

I would like to warn you from stolen AEGs.
I have been victim of a housebreaking last friday.
They took ALL my airsoft stock. *sigh*
I just have some pants left and a broken piston...
I would like to show you what guns are missing and maybe avoid those thieves to sell it to honest people.

First, a KJ Works 1911 A1, black with one mag. It has a scratch due to holster at the nose. There is no markings.

A Crosman S34P tribbs shotgun, painted black. No picture.

A cybergun Famas, with top rail. Internals have been fully upgraded:
Lonex cylinder head and piston head, madbull piston, prometheus spring (MS100) guarder steel spring guide, guarder V7 gears, TM EG100 motor, prometheus Violet hopup sleeve.


A dismounted King Arms M4A1 Colt Trademarks, metal body, highly upgraded too. The metal body phas a strange grey/bronze color but was nice and very little wear on it.
EG700 TM motor, prom spring (100) and hop up sleeve, madbull 6.03 inner barrel 247mm, king arms cylinder, madbull piston, modify aluminium piston head(red), SHS cylinder head(red) for internals.
Externals and pieces in stock/spare :
Element CTR stock, LaRue replica 10" rail, Larue covers, Magpul AFG2 black, pistol grip magpul black (not opened), magpul black trigger guard (not opened), 10" outer barrel + 2 extensions , 14.5 King arms outer barrel, and a lot of tools and stuff to work with.





5 M4 mags, magpul green version, with white numbers on it. 75 rounds size (30 rds lenght) and 4 magpul green 50 rounds(20rds lenght) with white numbers too + ranger plates.
4 famas mags, 2xTM and 2x JinPeng, all 4 metal. 1 broken cybergun famas hicap.
1 king arms hicap mag, metal

A cyma AEP G18C , never gamed.


1 eotech replica 552 black + 5x magnifier flip on side with QD.
1 peqbox black
2 lipo battery 7.4V 1500mAh (peqbox sized)
1 CO2 KJW KP07 magazine

1 Bolle Cobra safety glasses
1 advancer v12 ESS goggles, with 3 lenses.
1 Flyye WSH vest coyote brown
1 blackhawk 1911 holster tan.
1 Madbull chrony (the blue one)
+ lot of stuff like spare parts, pistons, springs, motorola radio, etc etc.
Oh and face mask too :
I don't have everything on mind and I don't want to be boring

And I don't ask to chase anybody, just be carefull about who you buy from.

Thanks for watching, and sorry for my bad english.

Peace out'


Last edited by funkyboss; January 23rd, 2012 at 18:05..
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