Hey guys, wow! I never knew there was so much variety.. now you guys got me thinking that maybe Mountain Dew is not the only option out there..
You know.. I have had the Walmart Water before... from the fountain just outside of McDonalds... and it turns out that they actually SELL soft drinks at McDonalds.. like direct to the public.. I had no idea this was even Legal??!!!
so yeah... but like I said.. Money is a little tight... and I don't like going outside much .. the sun hurts my eyes... so it would be a great help if you guys sent me more information on some of the other soft drinks out there..
details.. how it tastes... do the bubbles tickle your nose.. can you get a great bletch going if you chug it really fast.. stuff like that..
Brian McIlmoyle
TTAC3 Director
CAPS Range Officer
Toronto Downtown Age Verifier
If the tongue could cut as the sword does, the dead would be infinite