Originally Posted by phloudernow
ugh everytime i go back to hong kong i just buy like 5 bags of 3000 KSC .25s they cost like 55 HKD a bag which is like 7CND :P
add your airfare to that and other cost for the trip, the result it's still cheaper to buy in town. $25 for bags of bbs are not expensive by airsoft in canada standard there were times where bags of 2500 count ksc bbs would sell for anywhere from $45 - $60 depending on the availability then it gradually over time went down to $25 - $20 and finally to present cost of $10-$11/bag
To the OP Cheapening out on bbs will only cost you more in the end, I played long enough to see it happen where peole destroy $1500-$2000 custom guns from cheap bbs