Originally Posted by jflecool2
Just wondering ... Is the "Burst Fire .25g" a good bb ? Altough the review were 4/5 on 6mmstore, i was wondering if you would trust them or fuck it dont buy it ... ?
No. Wouldn't trust them. Not even a single review on that link you provided. Where's a link to the review of 4/5?
Originally Posted by jflecool2
In 6mmstore the shipping is 20$ flat rate (canada) or free for a purchase of 100$+
I prefer to have mine brought to me at games I play. Almost every game I play has a field Bastard or is a Bastard sponsored event. There are tons of these games, I don't need to pay for shipping.
Originally Posted by jflecool2
After a year of airsoft i know if it's or not a hobby for me. But thank for the "advice".
I have few hi-cap mag and I usually fire a lot of bb. 25$ per bag, with time it begin to be a little annoying. In addition of the mass of gear i bought recently. Cut the price in half and you have these bb.
I'll have some Javelin .36g in a speedloader for the moment i need a lot precision, but for normal gameplay, i dont need a lot because i shot a lot. You're allowed to juge.
All i wanted to know is do YOU TRIED one of those or any other cybergun bbs. Even if the word Cybergun sound bad ^^
Javelin's suck been proven countless times in stock, custom built and upgraded guns. I cannot comment on how they work on clear soft as I don't personally know anyone who has one to test them in.
Why didn't you ask about trying these no name BB's in a cyber gun from the start if that "all you wanted to know"?
Sounds like you need a lot of BB's to hit your targets down range.