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Old January 17th, 2012, 01:20   #15
mr_nuts31's Avatar
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Location: Petawawa, ON
Originally Posted by aZn_triXta07 View Post
The Airsoft shells have been on the market for over two years ago.

I'm pretty sure MadBull realized the legalities involved with using real steel so if they are available it's to LE and Military only.

I guess it doesn't help when I say the Airsoft shells work in real steel regardless, that is if you want the extractors to DESTROY the shell overtime
+1 on that cuz I used the shells on my Mossberg 500 and it works just fine.

On another note I think the best way to avoid confusion is either paint the shell or shotgun a different color and label it for that purpose alone. I know a couple of police departments label and paint a shotgun dedicated for non-lethal rounds and also aren't you supposed to read the labels on the shells before loading?
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