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Old January 13th, 2012, 12:58   #12
Ban-Fu Sifu
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What work for you is whats best period. Try different things and once you found the best compremise then stick to it. Personnaly I have zero gear on my legs or hips. Everything is on the wasatch. Rifle mags are offcenter with my pistol centered ( had the internal pouches modded with a holster. ). Pistol mags are at 90 degres exiting left bullet facing right and up. Rifle mags are bullet down facing right. Drop pouch is on my back at 45 deg facing left. Radio is top right shoulder and ptt left shoulder with earbud on the right. Water supply is on the right side on the armor with a utility pouch to balance things out. I often drive during airsoft games so anything on the leg or hips have resulted in many wedgies or other unpleasant situation. Also try to draw you pistol from a dropleg or hip holster sitting down in your car. Keeping my back a free as possible for the same reason. With this setup i carry 10 m4/ak/sig/g3 mags, 3 extra pistol mags, my pistol, radio, 1.5 liter of water, xl bb loader, some food, compas, gps, flashlight and the quite essential kill rag. This setup has been evolving for the past 10 years and i use it for both airsoft and rs
Competition. Is this the finnal form.... Probably not but this is where I am
Actually. Time to get some training done as the back mounted dump pouch is something new im trying. So far does not seem to bad of an idea....
Vondnik, team Bad Karma, PQAC

Murphy's second rule: Nothing is impossible for the man who does not have to do it himself.

Last edited by vondnik; January 13th, 2012 at 20:08..
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