Are you talking about the combat uniform? I can assure you that's not what they're wearing. The Cadet Dress uniform has regular buttons, and now that I think about it would work with shoulder straps, pockets, and etc. I will warn though... that uniform was hot as fuck when I wore it a couple of years ago.
Originally Posted by CanuckKwan
if you can't find surplussed black tops in Canadian cut (again, Jeroon/Army Issue had them a while ago, don't know about now), there are cadet uniforms in with a similar cut and the Canadian buttons (albeit exposed buttons). really, there aren't any similar designs or tactical clothes that have Canadian buttons. your best bet is to just get a regular grey BDU, some extra material, Canadian buttons (off the old OD combats) and paint them black, and cut/sew the extra material to form the shape of the pockets, etc.
on that note, I have grey BDUs for sale:
I can also provide pictures/more specifics with regards to the cut and style of the tactical uniform if you decide to go down the cut/sew path, as I have an older 90's style of the tactical cut in grey (slightly lighter shade with a few less pockets).