I have 3 CYMA AK74Us that I bought specifically for renting out. My goal is to get people hooked, not make money in rentals. I want people to buy their own guns and join the playing in our area.
I supply an AEG, battery, hi-cap, mask, camo jacket, and 1000 BBs for $30. I have spare batteries if the first one dies (included in rental price) and more BBs for sale.
I tell people to break the guns fall with their body. If internals go it is wear and tear. If externals break...it is assessed on a case by case basis. So far a muzzle/flash hider has snapped off of one. Pot metal and poor design are the culprit, not abuse. Taped on and it still works fine, just not as pretty.
People will ALWAYS treat something they own better than something they rent... I hope to be an enabler for people to get hooked on the game and buy their own gun and gear...
Call sign: Usurper