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Old May 29th, 2011, 15:36   #8
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Also Modify springs but their naming scheme is a bit messed up.

S80 (SP80) should be a 1Joule spring (~328 FPS on .20)
But the S90 people are saying also gets 330 FPS.....
The S100 is supposedly around 360 (which would put it close to a "typical" M100)
S110 is 360-380

If you ask me I would probably aim for around 350 using .20's or around 310 on .25's.

Also remember that running a high speed setup leads to premature parts failure because of simple stresses placed on the internals (especially on high power springs). The best would be to use a 1 Joule spring but if you're looking for a bit more oomph and faster barrel to target time I would toss in something like an M110 aiming for around 340-350 FPS. Also I would make sure the compression parts have a perfect seal or you could be losing power and need a higher power spring to reach the target FPS.
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