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Old May 29th, 2011, 00:25   #1
Join Date: Feb 2011

Hi guys,

I am a noob and have some questions. I have a m4 with a g&p highspeed ratio gearbox (30 or so bps). I have a soft spring that needs to be replaced, I am only getting 270fps with .25bb. I have installed a new madbull 6.03 but have not crono it as of yet. Also I have a g&p m120 motor, I have the following questions:

1. What is max spring this setup with m120 motor could pull, without losing tons of ROF.
2. Would a new motor, keep the speed and allow for a high spring, ie sp120 or something if this m120 motor would not.
3. If a new motor is required, what would be the best one for ROF and a spring in the sp120 range. Ie M160, M180 satan, Systema, J&P.

Looking to go to around 350 or so fps.

Thanks for all the help, us Noobs need it.

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