Originally Posted by ThunderCactus
But are you looking for just a marksman rifle, or an actual purebreed bolt action rifle?
Im fine with any type. I just kinda wanted the classic sniper rifle style so i can prone and the mag wont get in the way. That was my biggest problem with my ak. I like to lay down and slowly push, and it turned into a real annoyance.
Originally Posted by VooDooPeteK
It all what you make of it, I love my ba rifles and we have a bunch of guys that run ba's at our local games. Also depends on the type of games held where you play and you personal play style.
Yeah, understandable. Games are mostly forests and brush, hence the ghillie.
One of my friends also told me about a 2-day long milsim that i was curious about. I think that the sniper would be pretty valuable in one of those.
PS. Thank you guys for helping a noobie