Originally Posted by iKliiu
Isn't propylene an asphyxiant?
AFAIK its the same danger has pure propane except it blows you up at faster, bigger explosion. In general in hydrocarbons, double bond is more reactive than single. Same holds true for triple vs double. (OrganicChem note: suffix -ane is single bond. -ene is double bond, -yne is triple bond.
Originally Posted by L473ncy
I think in some GBBR demos the mags had HPA (or CO2) lines attached to them. Could you do a similar kind of setup with some sort of one way check valve and pressure control valve to make it safe for GBB operation?
ie. You'd have a small 8 oz HPA tank + line leading up to your mag with pressure control valves to regulate pressure so your pistol doesn't blow up in your face. AFAIK HPA has no cool down whatsoever since it's pressureized air and doesn't need to change states and just expands compared to a liquid turning into a gas (endothermic "reaction").
I used to have a CO2 tank attached to palmer stabilizer w/ fill valve adapter, there's still a drop in psi if you fire full auto since gas dont release instantaneous into reduce pressure chamber. Single stage is expected a 10-20psi drop while double is around 2-5psi.
for KSC mags I have crank up the pressure up to 170psi before, ran without a problem (really really loud though, I suspect prolong use will cause parts to prematurely break)
HFC134a is around ~75
HFC152 is around ~61
Propane is around ~110
Propylene is around ~130
R440A is around ~160 (Non-HFC compound commonly used as a refrigeant, in US there's a group of people actually using it for their GBB for winter games.)