Thread: Getting Started
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Old May 4th, 2011, 01:38   #1
Join Date: May 2011
Getting Started

Hey guys, new to this forum and I am interested in playing airsoft and i have a few questions.

As a beginner in airsoft, does everyone look for military simulation tactics or it could be just a easy going game with a bunch of people playing with a common objective but not doing any extreme military tactics (or does this depends on the fields and scenario/situation?).

Also would you recommend buying a brand new airsoft gun or a used one to begin a possible long term commitment to airsoft? I was reading on the sticky and it seems like they recommended TM for a beginner because of its reliability and durability right out of the box.

How about another brand like ICS (The specific ICS model i am looking at is ICS-64 MP5 A5 and it retails for under $300CAD, are there better selections of AEG for that price range in the classified section?) as I was interested in one of their cheaper guns to possible start out with and get the drift in airsofting before i invest in large amount of money.

Also could you use paintball mask or is there a specific goggle/mask designated for airsoft usage? I seen in a forum where a user was using a DYE mask so i figure a paintball mask is acceptable for usage?

-Also I'm 18 if that helps.

Last edited by Hello312; May 4th, 2011 at 01:40..
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