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Old April 25th, 2011, 15:10   #12
Danke's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Danger Zone
I'm the same. I've always shot a rifle or SMG with my right hand on the trigger and my right eye on the sights. Pretty well always irons. Precision shooting with the left eye closed and snap shooting with both eyes open.

Pistol has always been 2 eyes open and left eye across the sights as in the Quell stance.

This was back when rocks had not become dirt. The only choice of red dot optic was this and even if you had one showing up with it on a rifle made folks treat you like you were a two headed alien.

Now I run all platforms both eyes open/red dot type sites on all most all of the time. The odd time I have magnifying optic on I will close my left eye to concentrate on the target.

Shooting a pistol this way was not considered a habit to beaten out of you. By the time you got to take a pistol onto the range you were granted the leeway of personal preference.

I will take a go with my left side as the situation requires but I"m mostly right handed.
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