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Old March 21st, 2011, 15:14   #193
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: California
Hi guys, long time lurker – some really great info on these boards, this thread alone is practically gold. I finally found a need to post.

But first: CTAC, the radio seems to use "F" as an empty character. Notice that when you start it up it says FFFFFF? I haven't found a way to change that, but what I've done is just make sure all my channel names are a full 6 characters. So instead of RED6 I made it RED--6 or instead of GOLD I made it -GOLD-. Much more readable, simple workaround.

Now on to my problem: I attached a MSA U-94 PTT to the radio. It took a while to get it on, which I guess should have been the first warning sign... because once I did get it on, it absolutely refuses to come off. I thought I had it, and was pulling it off, but instead the entire connector came off, and severed all the wiring to the radio.

I should be able to fix this relatively easily if anyone has a pinout of the connection? I have NO idea which wire goes to which connector. (still no idea how I'm going to get the connectors separated, though, they're still practically fused together. Sprayed it with some silicon and will try with a pair of pliers again later.)
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