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Old February 23rd, 2011, 20:51   #686
Ballcancer's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Gravenhurst, ON
So here is an interesting problem I have just installed a ra-tech CNC steel hammer. After reassembling the trig pack and reinstalling that into the lower receiver, I did a test fire the first few shots were fine. Shortly after I would fire once in semi (the magazine is set to enable dry firing) and the hammer wouldn't strike. So I opened the gun up and the hammer was reset and looked like it was ready to fire. I then put te gun on safe and I heard a click. I decided to pull the trigger and the hammer engaged. Now here is an even weirder part. The hammer engages everytime i rack the charging handl, but when I pull the trigger with a magazine in it will shoot once on semi, and then the hammer won't engage a second time, unless I put it on safe first and then back to semi. It works fine on auto. If this was answered then I apologize and will delete my post.
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