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Old January 16th, 2011, 23:04   #164
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Brampton, Ontario
Originally Posted by DoctorBadVibez View Post
Alas Skladfin, you are right... The media is what got us gun enthusiasts in this hot water that we are in to begin with... When does it end? Where are the so called democratic rights? It seems to me that every day, we lose a little bit more freedom.
I turned back to airsoft as a hobby as RC aircraft (non foam types) were becoming less and less welcome at once legal sites, and now even this hobby is in danger. But yet drinking is still legal and drinking and driving seems to have a less of a consequence if caught by police than owning a toy gun (I shuddered when I wrote the word toy)...
Heck one of my hobbies used to be RC aircraft, and yes its true they are making it even hard for those people too, it seems that you have to jump through hoops these days if you want to get into any hobby other then knitting, and even then you have to use sharp objects.

They wonder why we have all these problems, but then they don't make anything easy for anyone these days. People need hobbies and airsoft is just that, and its a great way to to have fun, and it is as safe as any other sport out there, heck its probably safer then most with the rules that most games have in place.

The public really needs to be better informed about this, just like any other sport, but even then there will always be problems. There always has to be someone/something trying to make it hard for those that just want to enjoy a sport/hobby.
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