Thread: GAS or AEG?
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Old January 15th, 2011, 16:14   #12
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Location: Ladysmith BC
Originally Posted by Chris098 View Post
Hey guys, i want to get a Airsoft gun but i don't know weather to go with an AEG or a Gas Rifle. i want something that isn't gonna break, something you can throw around/ be rough with.
good quality, name brand full metal bodied AK47 AEG ... seriously.. you can damn near take these and use em as a ladder step across 2 chairs... it's a metal brick with a V3 gearbox inside...

if you are still very insistant on a GBBR ... check the retailers here and the few canadian online

KJW M4 full metal GBBR .... the WE's are getting better .. but the KJW M4 has proven itself to pretty much stay running and firing no matter what goes wrong inside.. they just start to get really ineffiecient on gas ...but they still stay working... they are also one of the few (if not the only) GBBR you can unbox at the field, gas, load and hit the field ..

the trade off is.. theres next to nothing for it for internal upgrades(only 1 company I am aware of) and you can only use KJW mags

if I'm wrong.. please someone feel free to correct me so the OP gets the proper info
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